Local Meetings

Glynde social and coaching meeting

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 29 September, 2011 - 20:00 to Friday, 30 September, 2011 - 00:00

Apologies for late notice - I overlooked this in my panic preparations to go to India.

This week is a social gathering and open forum to discuss any issues you would like to.

All the best,


Glynde Coaching Meeting - Best places in the Alps book launch and Mountain Flying Seminar

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 25 August, 2011 - 20:00 to 23:00

Tandem Greg is launching a new book - the Best Flying Sites of the ALPS. He's also going to tell us all about mountain flying. If he's not said it all already I'll finish with a mountainous version of parts of the thermalling workshop we've done previously, but from a Himalayan headbangers perspective.

It promises to be a good one, CU there.



Glynde Coaching Meeting - Flight analysis session - meet the Coaches

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 28 July, 2011 - 20:00 to 23:00

This month in the Drinking Men's Club we'll have the coaching team on hand to help with any flying related issues. It's peak flying season and I'm sure we all finish a flight happy, but if you're like me, also pondering how it could have been better / higher / further / more comfortable. This month we'll try to answer some of those questions.

If you've got (short) films or GPS tracks of your flight, we can take a look and provide constructive criticism. (Anyone got a beamer? or we can use the club TV).

If you've got suspect equiptment, bring it along and we'll check it out.

Meet at the club for 19.30 for a better flight tomorrow.

All the best


Glynde Coaching Meeting - Rod Buck on Weather and the Wendy Windblows Service.

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 30 June, 2011 - 20:00 to 23:00

Rod Buck, the man behind the Wendy Windblows sevice will be coming to tell us about the enhanced weather station system. A short presentation followed by discussion. I'm looking forward to how he's calculating data for each site when it's sea-breezing from 3 different directions at once! Like the sevice itself, I'm sure knowledge of it's operation will save us vast amounts of wasted time and petrol.

I want to come and explain a lot of the major improvements to the Wendy
Windblows network that are happening at the moment.

These include:

1) Direct readings for each flying site, adjusted automatically to calculate
the differences from the weather stations.

2) Automatic Wind Alerts when it's flyable at your favourite sites.

3) Members can easily pass messages to groups of members, such as those
interested in a site, those in a particular club, or a special-interest
group, such as competitions, or indeed any special-interest group they care
to create. (Such as a paragliding school wanting to bulk-text it's pupils
about whether it's flyable today? Grin!)

4) You can obtain wind reports for any site (or group of sites) by text

5) Phone reports no longer need a password.

best wishes


Glynde Coaching Meeting - Thermalling and Meet the Coaches

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 26 May, 2011 - 20:00 to 23:00

Come to Glynde for a delicious beer, to meet the coaches and discuss thermalling techniques, including: Thermalling safely, thermalling efficiently and thermalling with others. We'll try to cover everything you need to know between ground and cloudbase.

Thermalling 101 - monthly coaching meeting

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 31 March, 2011 - 20:00 to 23:00

Dave Massie and John Lancaster will be doing a session on thermalling - an introduction and the joys of spring thermals.

Thursday 31 March
Social club in Glynde.

Glynde social meet - Carlo on where to fly when, why and how.

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 27 January, 2011 - 06:00 to 20:00

With flying weather coming soon, Carlo will be discussing how to make the most of it.

Russ Ogden Talk at Sussex Paragliding

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 23 December, 2010 - 18:00 to 22:00

We were holding a bit of a party after Russ's Talk at Sussex Paragliding.BN86JZ. Near Caburn.23rd Dec 7.30pm. If you were coming bring a bottle, Neil is bring his food wagon.
Parking: Please don't outside the bungalow opposite us, if our forecourt gets full park in the layby on the 27 just 100ft east of us. We will provide wine/beer glasses. Ant orders taken for Ozone gliders on the night will attract and extra discount.
Cheers Tim.

Local Meeting - There are no silly questions, only answers.

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 25 November, 2010 - 18:00 to 22:00

This month in the Glynde Drinking Men's Club.... A question and answer session hosted by Hairy Dave, Dave Massie and the coach team. Useful revision and problem sorting for pilot exam candidates. An opportunity to discuss flight possibilities in wintery Sussex, or places to go for winter thermals.

Thursday 25 November, 19:30, Glynde working men's club.

October social evening. pilot/AP lecture - air law

Event type: 
Local Meeting
Start date: 
Thursday, 28 October, 2010 - 20:00 to Friday, 29 October, 2010 - 00:00

This month in the Glynde Drinking Men's Club, Dave Massie will be giving a lecture on air law for those who want to do the P/AP exams (or anyone just generally interested)...
