Latest Flights


James Wong flew 101.24km Open Distance XC from Mount Caburn on Saturday 25th May (see this flight)
Ben Davidson flew 11.16km Flight with 3 turnpoints from Bo Peep on Sunday 19th May (see this flight)
Ben Davidson flew 48.30km Flight with 3 turnpoints from Blorenge on Saturday 11th May (see this flight)

Advance Progress & Easiness reserve handles

Reserve handle check is required for PROGRESS 3 & EASINESS 2 harnesses

2023 AGM Minutes Refresher

Find attached the key points resulting from last years AGM.

We had a great guest speaker - Chris Williams - who talked about his recent accident and shared some insightful and useful information on his background in flying, the causes of his crash, and what he could have done differently. It's a must-see for all pilots. In addition there were interesting and informative updates on safety, sites, and finance.

We also held elections for all committee posts, and I'm happy to report that all those who stood were elected in. The results were:

Red Ribbon Club

I am pleased to announce that the Committee has approved the appointment of Steve Barnett to take over from me running the Red Ribbon Club with immediate effect. Whilst I will take a back seat in RRC I will continue to support Steve my other role as Chief Coach. Steve will also join the Committee in this capacity.
Most of you will know Steve and the valuable contribution he already makes to RRC as a coach with both considerable airtime and recent experience as a new pilot.

Drone surveying at Saddlescombe Farm (Behind the Dyke)

Sent: Sep 18, 2023 at 11:07 AM
Subject: [Anything else] Drone flying on the South Downs

David Knight ( sent a message using the
contact form at

Good morning,

Latest BHPA Instructor and Coach Newsletter - September 2023

It's been a while since the last one, but the latest B.H.P.A. Instructor and Coach Newsletter (September 2023) is now available, either on the BHPA web site, or on this web site at

New padlock at Bo Peep

With all the van shenanigans at Firle we're putting a lock on the gate at Bo Peep. The code will be the same as high and over, and beachy. (On the website, members only.)

Please pass the word, but only to shgc members and be sure not to publish the code anywhere.

Best regards.

Dave, sites officer.

A word to the weather wise...

At this time of year in particular the weather is very volatile. Pilots are reminded that they need to maintain a watch both upwind and downwind for any approaching changes to the weather.

Approaching weather fronts or rain cells are often accompanied by the sudden arrival of strong winds, the gust front. It is better to familiarise yourselves with this phenomenon while safely sat on your glider on the ground and not while aloft.

Having the rain alarm app on your phone can really help with keeping track of approaching rain.


Pilots should be aware that the trees in front of the launch at Firle have been slowly growing, despite the unintentional ministrations of various pilots over the years... We have asked if we could prune them but this request was denied.

In stronger winds these trees present a significant risk of rotor, which can extend to several hundred feet behind the car park.

Hence pilots should avoid launching or landing in the centre of the field and downwind thereof.

flying suit foot straps

There has been a minor incident where a dual P2 got their foot caught in the foot loop of the pilot's flying suit and a drag ensued.

Dual pilots should be aware of the risk and, where present but not used, the loops sould be made safe.


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