
Flight details
Title: Short trek along A140
Pilot:John Mc Bride
Date of flight:4th May 2024
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
Second tow flight of the day. Most pilots were having short flights and the day was not exactly promising for any XC flights. The tow up to 700ft ATO was relatively smooth and I was expecting another short flight back to Take-off. I flew beyond the winch to an approaching cloud shadow and found some weak lift. Stayed with it as I drifted back toward TO, at which point was now 1300ft. Continued drifting towards Mendlesham mast and eventually reached cloud around around 3400ft where the lift died out. Went on a glide, expecting some lift over brown fields but nothing until I approached Yaxley, down to 600ft found some weak lift in front of the village but was drifting towards the high power lines and not gaining much height. Landing options beyond the power lines were not not suitable for a hang glider, so decided to land in the only viable field to the west of the village. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:52.335033,1.114983
Landing place:
Distance13.56 km
Score13.56 km
GPS evidence from:2024-05-04-12-51-30.igc