Join the Club

New Membership Application

The current membership rates are as follows:

  • Standard Flying Membership: £60.00

Membership of the Southern Hang Gliding Club expires for all members on the 30th of April. You will be charged for one full years membership upon joining, regardless of the time of year at which you join. The cost of your first renewal is reduced roughly pro rata to account for the shorter first years membership. eg. If you join today, your first renewal on the 1st May will be £10.00. The reason for this is that each year helmet stickers are issued in a new colour, so that current members can be easily identified on our sites.

NB. As of the 1st January 2015, the slope landing and top landing exercises for paraglider pilots, have been moved to the pilot rating. All of the club's sites have rules that require thses skills. In order to fly our sites, all new paraglider pilots must have not only gained their CP rating, but also have the practical exercises of top and slope landings signed off in their pilot task book. Hang glider pilots are unaffected.

You can pay to join the Southern Hang Gliding Club by

  • Direct payment from your bank or
  • Credit/Debit Card using PayPal (extra £2.19 charged to cover fees)

New members are asked to attend an induction course as soon as possible, and preferably before flying our sites. This is currently done via a remote meeting, using Zoom.

All fields below that are marked with an asterisk(*) are compulsory.
Your Personal Details Yourself
Forename: *

Surname: *
Address(1) *
Town: *
County: *
Post code: *
Login name: *
Your Contact Information
Email Address: *
Home Telephone Number:

Mobile Telephone Number:

Member Contact Number:
Emergency Contact:*

Emergency Number:*
Your flying experience Please fill in your flying details/ratings
BHPA Number *
Hours flown:

Paraglider Rating: *

Paragliding School:
Further training after CP:
Club Coach Senior Coach Trainee Instructor
Instructor Winch rated Tandem rated
Red Ribbon Club

Hang Gliding:
Hang Glider Rating: *

Hang Gliding School:
Club Coach Senior Coach Trainee Instructor
Instructor Winch rated Aerotow rated
Tandem rated   

Your Insurance Obligation:

As a member of the SHGC flying from our sites, you are obliged to have third-party liability insurance to cover your flying activity and any accidents that may arise as a result of it. BHPA membership provides this insurance and we insist that all club members resident in the UK have up-to-date BHPA membership. Any members who are visitors to the UK who have insurance from their home country must provide proof that their insurance provides third-party cover for flying activity in the UK. The Southern Hang Gliding Club accepts no liability for any accident caused by or involving our members. Clicking the submit button indicates that you agree to these terms.


I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the SHGC and any amendments and/or additions to these rules as might be made by the Committee and/or General Meeting of the Club. I fully understand that contravention of these rules and regulations may lead to my suspension as a member, in which case I will not be permitted the use of Club sites or facilities.

Paraglider pilot declaration

My CP rating was gained before the 1st Jan 2015
I have the practical exercises of top and slope landings signed off in my pilot task book.

Please select your membership type and optional donations:
Membership Type: *
Site Fund donation £:
Induction Place: *

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

I have read the club's GDPR privacy notice here (Opens in a new page)

Clicking the submit button will create your membership.