The current membership rates are as follows:
Membership of the Southern Hang Gliding Club expires for all members on the 30th of April. You will be charged for one full years membership upon joining, regardless of the time of year at which you join. The cost of your first renewal is reduced roughly pro rata to account for the shorter first years membership. eg. If you join today, your first renewal on the 1st May will be £10.00. The reason for this is that each year helmet stickers are issued in a new colour, so that current members can be easily identified on our sites.
NB. As of the 1st January 2015, the slope landing and top landing exercises for paraglider pilots, have been moved to the pilot rating. All of the club's sites have rules that require thses skills. In order to fly our sites, all new paraglider pilots must have not only gained their CP rating, but also have the practical exercises of top and slope landings signed off in their pilot task book. Hang glider pilots are unaffected.
You can pay to join the Southern Hang Gliding Club by
New members are asked to attend an induction course as soon as possible, and preferably before flying our sites. This is currently done via a remote meeting, using Zoom.