Red Ribbon Club

The Red Ribbon Club for paraglider pilots

A red ribbon is a one metre red ribbon streamer attached to the centre of the training edge
of the wing. The BHPA says low airtime pilots should display a red ribbon from passing EP
until CP + at least 10 hours airtime. You school should have provided you with a red ribbon,
but if not, some coaches will have a supply of spares.

The red ribbon has three benefits:

  • It allows low airtime pilots to identify one another on the hill:
  • It allows coaches and experienced pilots to identify those who may need help on the hill;
  • It allows pilots in the air to identify new pilots in the air and give them more leeway.

The SHGC operates an informal red ribbon club for low airtime pilots. All you need to do is
sign up to the RRC telegram group from the website. RRC aims to have at least one
coaching day each weekend when it is flyable. Identifying where and when to fly is one of
the greatest challenges facing new pilots. Details of RRC hill meetings are posted on RRC
telegram on Friday evenings to benefit from the latest weather forecasts.

On the hill RRC members can expect a site briefing, help with daily and pre-flight checks,
untangling lines and flight briefings and debriefs. We do not use radios for RRC coaching
because as a CP, you are now the pilot in command responsible for your own decisions.

The RRC is run by club coach Robin Fitzerald, assisted by other club coaches.
You must be a current BHPA member of at least CP rating, and a SHGC member
to participate in the RRC. Coaches are licensed by the BHPA and approved by SHGC: you
can find details of coaches on the club website. Remember that they are all unpaid
volunteers and will also wish to fly themselves. Coaches may be available to assist on other

The RRC telegram group is also a source of information where you can post any questions.
Please read the topics of read this first and FAQs as many questions will already have been
asked and answered.

Please remember that red ribbons should not slope land apart from on Mount Caburn spur
until they have at least 10 hours experience post CP. This is because of the high incidence
of accidents on difficult slopes. If you are too low to top land then push out and bottom
land. New CPs who do not have slope and top landings practicals and reverse launches
signed off by an instructor (not a coach) should get this done with a local school before
flying club sites.

Your SHGC Club contact is Robin Fitzgerald: