The Southern Hang Gliding Club has an active aerotow group for hang glider pilots. The aerotow tug enables pilots to get into the sky when everything is right except the wind direction for hill launching, or to avoid the congestion on our major sites.. This means a lot more flying time. A powered hangglider trike has a tow-line back to a hangglider on a wheeled trolly. After a few metres the hanglider lifts off the trolly, leaving it on the ground, and is towed up to around 2000 feet whereupon the pilot of the hangglider releases the line. See an aerotow launch and flight here.
The exact days that the aerotow happens varies due to weather, and isn't just limited to weekends (though this is more common). There is a Telegram Aerotow group that discusses when it's on; for more information contact Steve Marnier.
Aerotow membership is £50 per year, and is open to all BHPA Members with a HG-Tow rating. A tow to 2000ft costs £10 for members.