
Flight details
Title: Top banana...
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Richard Chester-Nash
Date of flight:29th June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
... of a day that is, although you could apply the term to Simon who showed me how it really ought to be done or Shaun who retrieved me :o)

Before today (Tue), as I'm writing this late, this would have been my best day at this site. I managed to get out beyond the road (and back) and found myself 'on top' more often than not and then there's the little matter of an XC with Simon, somebody that helped me a lot with my early flying, so I'm well chuffed. :o)

The day started well with Simon already boating the early thermals when I arrived. Airborne within 30 mins I soon found myself up into a layer above the bowl that provided constant lift whilst everybody else was trapped near hill height! Weird but I wasn't complaining. Alison was first to break through so I rushed over to greet her and we danced to the tune of rising air (hope that's not to intimate Dave). Others then started to pop up, Chris B, Tim H, Simon and we had an absolute ball going round with each other. I remember Chris giving me lots of early advice and encouragement too so once again it was good to be sharing bubbles with my mentors. Height seemed pretty much unlimited and drift was minimal so we 'went and returned' several times but eventually I thought that I ought to do something with all this height and notched up a PB out front.

I think that it was on my return that a swift showed me the way to a boomer and the other 3 joined me in it. This felt like the precursor to the sea-breeze and the drift direction was different so I hoped that we'd all stay together and go for it. One by one they headed back, Tim not quite ready for an XC yet and Chris just plain lazy (your words mate :o)) but Simon was sticking with it below me so we were off.

The lift coming off the hill persisted a long way back (in fact Chris flew back through it and a bit later I could see him back out front equalling my height) but it petered out after a while and Simon darted off downwind to find something new. I just dr
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.8641,0.0214
Landing place:A27 Lewes
Witness:GPS file
Distance14.66 km
Score14.66 km
GPS evidence from:XC.007663.igc