
Flight details
Title: High and over to past Lewes
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Simon Steel
Date of flight:29th June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Took ages going round and round with Richard until I pushed a bit further north to where the convergence can set up near Bo Peep. Found some nice lift in the blue and headed East along to Firle T.O. Then I cut accross to Caburn topping up on the way with some bits and bobs off the village. Nice smooth strong climb over the back of Caburn then headed off over a very hot Lewes where I got a beating! Over to the racecourse (a bit low over the prison) where I got a more sensible climb. I was now getting close to some cu's but my glide was to the ground, I could hear a buzzard but never saw it.
Phoned Richard to glout ;-), (see if he'd got a lift) Only to see haze caps forming above me! Not patient enough I suppose.
Anyway,2 mins after packing up I got a lift with a mechanic in a suburu running on 3 cylinders all the way back! (bit of a stuggle up the hill)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.912082,-0.022902
Landing place:Near Chiltington
Distance19.65 km
Score19.65 km