
Flight details
Title: High and over to Sayers common
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Craig Bell
Date of flight:29th June 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I arrived at about 1130 to see a few of the regulars drifting back in a nice climb heading NW.

After messing about for half an hour or so I launched into nice buoyant conditions.

I took an average climb over the back of the hill, and before long was committed to either a long walk back or sticking with what was between a weak climb and a zero. I drifted pretty much parallel to the coast and picked up some lift at the back of Seaford then Newhaven. I was between 1-2000ft along this leg.

I arrived at the quarry at the back of Beddingham at about 2000ft and saw about 100 gulls thermalling below me. Surely even I could get a nice climb from here. The quarry was being cooked below me,  and I took my best climb of the day here, about 2.5 on the averager. This took me up to just below 3800ft.

From here I wasn't really sure where to go. Head for Lewis or follow the A27 to Brighton?  After a lot of  dithering and looseing  height I drifted down wind towards the western side of Lewis , getting lower all the time . Conveniently this took me over Lewis well under the airspace.

I Was now on the other side of the downs and tracked towards Plumpton. The views along here really made the flight.
 I got really low here, about 800ft, Plumpton racecourse was looking like a good landing option at this point
I was saved by another bird, and got back up to 2000ft  as I drifted over the racecourse heading NW.

From here,  I headed towards Ditchling then south of burgess hill before crossing the A23 and landing in Sayers common.

A great day out for me, my Xc flying is pretty limited,.

The Highlight of the day had to be trying to get a low save over the A23 to be honked by a succession of lorry drivers.

Thanks to Gary for the retrieve and picking up my tab in the "Duke of York" when he arrived.
I left my wallet in the car .



Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.791206,0.142247
Landing place:sayers common
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance0.00 km
Score0.00 km