
Flight details
Title: A radical day
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Peter Campbell
Date of flight:31st July 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Caburn, southerly, windy~ it was going to be a radical day. Carlo, Tefal and other were drifting off under base when I arrived (11am) with a nice 3 of 8 cu sky. Others climbing and then sinking out. A bit windy, I took my time setting up. The sky blued out as if another airmass (with a bit more west) had set in; but within 20 min Cu's were forming nicely and 15/20 pilots were at 1000ft+ drifting away,
Mark and Craig top of the stack~ you know the rest there!
Timing the cycles for a while, I launched and there it was. A few figure of eights and then the radical bit~ over the back at 50ft. Well we humans can only learn the hard way... it was nice zooming over Ringmer low level though!

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.9096,0.05
Landing place:A26
Distance5.47 km
Score5.47 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.007822.igc