
Flight details
Title: Where did Craig get to?
Site:High and Over
Pilot:Richard Chester-Nash
Date of flight:9th August 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
What's with the title? Well after leaving the hill and coming back at least 3 times because nobody else was going XC Craig turned up and promptly buggered off along the coast! I couldn't catch him though so I went back again! Eventually Franco made the break with me and one other well below us but it wasn't easy as the drift direction was toward the sea and thermals were very broken away from the hill because of the proximity to the coast. Lots of struggling to stay up ensued and some fighting with snotty stuff low down too. Landed just off the Seaford - Newhaven road. A few minutes after I'd landed the police heli passed low overhead on a bee-line for the hill and I had that sinking feeling that I always get when I see it heading hill-ward on a flying day. Get well soon Karim and good luck with the op. My brother-in-law owed me one for fixing his car so pick up and return was swift as he lives just down the road. Arrival was not that pleasant though! 

I really enjoyed the flying today but conditions were not to everybody's liking as is often the case at this site. Well done to the red ribbon on the blue mojo, you were doing very well matey but do watch those strong conditions with such low experience. (PS. I was directing you toward a climbing gull bird when I was shouting at you and pointing, not telling you to go away :o)).

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.792783,0.068583
Landing place:Near Newhaven/Seaford
Witness:GPS file
Distance6.10 km
Score6.10 km
GPS evidence from:H & O.igc