
Flight details
Title: A walk in the park
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Richard Chester-Nash
Date of flight:2nd October 2009
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Arrived at about 9.45 to find that it wasn't blowing its tits off as expected, very little wind in fact. It didn't take long to get going though and it wasn't windy above either, perfect in fact. Thermals were there from the off and the sky filled with fairly well spread PG's (and a lone hangie). Mark W was looking for a last biggie to try and clinch the National League (I'm told) and I found myself up over the back with him early on. Attempting to find something alone the Truleigh ridge saw me and 1 other bomb after that. I prayed that something would arrive in time for me to rejoin those looking for a climbout as they were all there today with the notable exception of Carlo. I got lucky and got back to take-off before the great escape and found a climb, the big boys promptly all came barrelling in to join me which made me smile. I noticed that I was passing 3400'asl and still inside airspace so I bugged out and that was the point at which we all headed off in various directions looking for the next climb. Nothing! But in the far distance over Stanmer somebody (Simon S apparently) was going up and eventually we were all sucked toward him in the absence of anything else. I reckoned that with Alison (I think) well below me I'd either climb out with her (and others) or bomb with her so that seemed a fair gamble. The lady showed her class though and was up and away before I got there and try as I might I couldn't find anything that I could stay in and went down. She appeared to make it to cloudbase, excellent low save chick! 3 others had taken the same climb before her and all joined up high up as I packed. As I walked through the park a really nice couple stopped and gave me a lift and although they weren't planning to go near the Dyke they took me all the way there. Three cheers for the general public! I hear that Mark made Heathfield (I think) and Alison near to Arlington, nice one and well done. I'm not sure where the others got to.

Arriving back so quickly anot
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.874267,-0.1021
Landing place:Stanmer Park
Distance9.64 km
Score9.64 km
GPS evidence from:XC.008054.igc