
Flight details
Title: Dyke delivers...
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Mark Tattersall
Date of flight:5th March 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Flying all day at the Dyke (about 10.30am - sunset), with bouyant air out frount, aided by a few bonfires around Fulking, so could easily fly 1km straight out from the hill and back - and several managed what looked to be quite significant out and returns in the direction of Henfield.  In the end, at 3pm  I decided to go for a downwind adventure to get started on my xcs for the season, and managed to get to ASDA.  Not epic, but not bad for mid afternoon at this time of year - I did not go earlier as it took quite a while for the inversion to lift.  In the end decided to go for it in a half decent thermal at about 1,500'.  I found a couple more weak thermals over the back, making 2,000 ASL at most, and but was just a little too low by the time I reached Brighton to risk looking for thermals over the town, and instead flew along the A27 but found no other lift.  
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.871828,-0.131035
Landing place:Just north of A27, just before the
Witness:not a soul to be seen, apart from t
Distance5.99 km
Score5.99 km