
Flight details
Title: Surprise, surprise, it's Spring!
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:15th March 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Forecast light NW, followed shortly by howling Westerly. So I arrived earlyish, and had nearly an hour in nice conditions but nothing better than a 1-up to 250 ATO at best. Later on, it started getting bumpy and nasty, so came down. Conditions quietened a tad, so took off again, not expecting anything better, but first thermal has me and Shaun B. in a 3.8 up with hardly any drift. Me with no wallet (slipped into car), no phone battery, no cash, no expectations, but it was going up, and would be last chance to make something of the day, so went with it to see what happened. Got quite difficult to core the thermal, and Shaun and I swapped being higher all the time. Petered out, and Shaun went for a glide � I stayed in 0.2 down, drifting. And sometimes drifting into lift, so stayed there. Shaun bombed, but later on was doing better. so I glided off to him, but hit the usual sink, until the University, where a very rough zero kept me up, desperately trying to get past Shaunm, who had finally landed near the A27. It improved slightly as the new football stadium came up, and I thermalled off the tower crane, eventually getting a 1 up to get clear. This improved to a 2 up over the field beyond in the sunshine, and to 1800 over take off, in what was again a zero. Glided off into horrendous sink towards Caburn, when Barry The Buzzard saved me again, 30m away, going up while I was in a 6.8 down. That thermal turned into a 1 up or less, and drifted me towards Firle, getting lower and lower, but drifting. One last thermal in front of Firle was the last, and I glided to a field just short of Selmeston for 25K. Was just packing up as Kevie-Wevie runs across the field, and gives me a lift to Sussex College, where Steve P ran me back to the Dyke. What a nice man. Go buy a wing off him!

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.842137,0.13198
Landing place:near Selmeston
Witness:Kevie-Wevie times two.
Distance24.76 km
Score24.76 km
Paul Andon14th Mar 10:50: looked really windy as I went to the dentist, yet you say you got a vertical climb at the dyke? sounds like sea breeze comming in?
David Williamson17th Mar 01:59: I wonder if X/Cs are getting too easy nowadays with the increasing number of buzzards marking thermals for pilots. In the old days we had it tough, with only the stubble fires to mark/create thermals! " It's got to be rough to be good!"
Dave Massie16th Mar 11:18: Hey! Those buzzards don't actually create thermals you know! [Cue Monty Python sketch about now hard it was in the old days]...
John Young17th Mar 01:21: I remember in the old days the only thermals were the things you wore under your trousers.
Stephen Purdie18th Mar 03:03: Hi T. I wouldn't say it was windy and it was definitely not sea breeze - I flew back to the hill for a later climb... TTFN SteveP ---------------------------------- AIRWORKS PARAGLIDING & HANG GLIDING The Old Station Glynde BN8 6SS info@airworks.co.uk www.airworks.co.uk
Stephen Purdie18th Mar 03:06: Unlike the stubble fires, which did... Oh that long lost smell of a good XC: straw smoke and diesel oil, mixed with a little burnt Dacron. :0) TTFN SteveP ---------------------------------- AIRWORKS PARAGLIDING & HANG GLIDING The Old Station Glynde BN8 6SS info@airworks.co.uk www.airworks.co.uk