
Flight details
Title: XC from Caburn (ok short flop over the back)
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Glen Burrows
Date of flight:16th March 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Arrived at Caburn at about 11:30, lots in the air but nicely spread out. Flew half an hour to blow the cobwebs out, thermals were coming through nicely, wind strong enough to stay up and with big round soft gentle thermals, lovely!

I started taking climbs as high as I could and wasn't getting more than 100m ATO, I took a climb over the peak of Caburn to 160m ATO and decided to drift over the back with it, stayed in it until 200m ATO then fell out of it and couldnt find it again, completely blue over head, I continued to fly away form the hill and hit a few blips but lost them when I tried to centre them, landed in the field opposite the Opera House at a whopping 2 - 2.5K- ish (can't verify this as my GPS batteries went flat.)

Long walk back to see a few people getting higher, by the time I got back to the top of the hill it was howling so I walked back down to the car park, lesson learned on that one.

Overall a great day, only flew for 50 mins but I had a go at getting away.


Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.872295,0.05518
Landing place:Field opposite the opera house
Witness:None, a few sheep, a big scary came
Distance1.24 km
Score1.24 km
In novice league?YES