
Flight details
Title: One Hit Wonder
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Stephen Purdie
Date of flight:16th March 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After everyone had been struggling to get any real height I caught a lovely little 3m/s climb which whisked me through everyone and had topped out at 2700' before I was more than a few metres away from launch. (Why did nobody join me, you all just flew past?) 

I thought it would be rude not to try to go somewhere from this height so off I toddled. Predictably, I glided almost all of the way to the ground without finding another climb. Then just as I was about to not cross the extensive woodland to the NE of Laughton, I spotted a bunch of gulls working a climb. I flew over to them, but the drift on their weak climb was such that if I had lost it I would have ended up spending the rest of the day picking the nice new demo Aircross Ufly (EN B - a new pilot would fly this thing!) out of the trees. Common sense ruled and I popped it into a handy field. (As opposed to a muddy one or one full of horses)

I walked some way back, failing to hitch a ride, until I noticed that there were no longer any gliders visible, then called Ghandi who kindly came and retrieved me.

A bit of a pointless flight really, but had I found just one more thermal it would have been a more useful distance, maybe even as far as the next train station :0)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.89376,0.161355
Landing place:East of Laughton
Distance8.59 km
Score8.59 km
Dean Turner16th Mar 07:49: Hi Steve How easy is it to get to Nrth Chailey from Caburn (basically back to the farm?) looks about the same distance as you travelled on one thermal? I'm not likely to find two thermals but if I managed to get one at Caburn could I make it? Cheers Dean
Stephen Purdie18th Mar 03:01: Hi Dean, I make it about 12 km NW as the paraglider flies. In still air, you would need to climb through about 1500m to glide this far. Theoretically you could do that in one hit, but you would inevitably bust airspace, so I'm afraid you will either have to do it in a few steps (thermals) or do it when the wind is approximately SE and just drift with your thermal. This is how the majority of (non-SHGC) UK thermal flights are done. TTFN SteveP ---------------------------------- AIRWORKS PARAGLIDING & HANG GLIDING The Old Station Glynde BN8 6SS info@airworks.co.uk www.airworks.co.uk