
Flight details
Title: Nice day at the Gibbet
Site:Combe Gibbet
Pilot:Charlie Merrett
Date of flight:8th April 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Forecast looked a little too Northerly for the South Downs so paid my �28 and headed up to Combe Gibbet with Simon Steel.
Only reckoned on 3 or so hours of usable day with a latish start and top cover coming in to kill it off so declared a 60km flight to South Harting, just past Petersfield.
Got there at 11:45 to see gliders already high so didn't waste too much time getting ready or chatting.
Airbone at 12:15 into a good climb to 3500amsl with Adrian Thomas and Craig Atwell but didn't fancy it when they went off on glide so went back to the hill for another climb to 4500amsl and left with that in a gaggle of 4.
Lots of pushing east to stay clear of airspace, ended up on my own and met The Prof flying back.....
Got a very low save at Petersfield that took me to my goal where I met up with the others and then pushed along the back of the Downs.
Pushed through one climb too many on the ridge trying to speed up and landed at 80km short of the river Arun.
One made it to the Dyke and the others to Worthing.
Packed up on a lovely carpeted cricket net strolled down to the pub for a G&T where Simon picked me up in my van - cheers buddy!
Lovely day out. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.941112,-0.654188
Landing place:East Lavington
Distance82.19 km
Score82.19 km