
Flight details
Title: Liddington
Pilot:Chris Jones
Date of flight:20th April 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Early take off at just gone 10am, first lot climbed out immediately. Very windy so left low with a gaggle of 5 including Craig Atwell. Broken climb to cloudbase then we headed off. Seemed to loose very little in height on my dhv 1/2 and open harness compared to 5 comp wings & 2/3s. Most of the gaggle scrapped up from north of Hungerford but I was left low with I think, Richard Westgate just above me. Drifted south eastwards, he climbed out, I didn't, that sums it up really. thermalling ability when it was marginal let me down again!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.39805,-1.52435
Landing place:Hungerford
Witness:GPS file
Distance20.72 km
Score20.72 km
GPS evidence from:XC.008562.igc