
Flight details
Title: Liddington Take 2
Pilot:Chris Jones
Date of flight:20th April 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After very fast retrieve I was unpacked and flying again by 12.30. Missed one gaggle just leaving and scratched about for ages in windy and broken conditions. Decided I would go with anything as it wasn't much fun on the hill and took the first climb. Almost bombed 5k behind the hill but drifted in zero's for ages then got a good climb upto cloudbase, drifted for a while and took some pictures. Headed off and joined a couple of sailplanes and almost got back to base in a broken climb before it petered out. Downwind at trim speed the gps was showing 65kph and things were getting rough Got a very low, very rough climb over a stately home but really struggled to keep the glider open and headed down wind to the only area with big open fields. Almost another low save but didn't want to drift over a big forested area in 30+ kph winds so opted for the biggest field I could see. Got a bus to Newbury then got a lift back to the hill but couldn't face flying again even though people were still thermalling.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.334467,-1.378733
Landing place:Highclere
Distance31.89 km
Score31.89 km
GPS evidence from:XC.008563.igc