
Flight details
Title: My first XC - Annecy
Pilot:Dan Balla
Date of flight:6th June 2010
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
I have been impressed by my first trip to Annecy - beautiful location, excellent flying. The weather didn't play ball but on the second day I got this nice flight in. 
It was a nice day, with thunderstorms predicted in the afternoon so I stayed on alert.
The launch was a little busy due to some French paragliding competition misguidedly named the "World Cup". I launched at about 2PM into a friendly sky full of Cu and made my way north along the lake. About one hour later I noticed a Cu Nim growing in the south of the valley, over the Doussard landing field. I was about 15km away, high, with good visibility over the valley and the north was looking lovely so this strengthened my decision of pushing away. I kept heading north around the lake, all the way to the Semnoz ridge where I found myself in the southwesterly's wind shadow, without any safe options to get any further so I landed near the village of Sacconges.
Many thanks to Andy and Steve for the retrieve.
I attached a few photos of the launch and the landing field. Unfortunately my video camera's battery ran flat after one hour so I don't have the whole flight recorded. I am still struggling to find a decent AVCHD editing software, but you can watch Steve's edit of this video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwkWOg0NBQU
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Takeoff:Col Forclaz
To:Dents deLanfon
To:Mt de Veyrier
Finish at:-
Landing place:Sacconges Seynod
Witness:Andrew Howells,Steve Biggs
Distance0.00 km
Score0.00 km
In novice league?YES