
Flight details
Title: BCC Hundred House to Llanddew
Site:Fforest Farm
Pilot:John Porter
Date of flight:20th June 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Took off after a long wait for conditions to be "right". Thermalled up with Dan Starsmore of the RAF team and arrived at cloudbase. Did around half the flight with Dan then we went our separate ways. (Dan ended up doing 30k). Sticking with zeroes and being more patient paid off and after visiting three or four clouds, lost the lift and eventually prepared to land. Got within around 300 feet of tractor cutting hay and was lowering my undercarriage when I noticed bonfire smoke direction and Kevin the kite who kindly showed me where the thermal was. Climbed a few hundred feet with Kevin and started to head south west to increase my distance when Sharon the swift reminded me that the wind was now showing only 4km from ESE so I returned to her thermal and eventually landed in a field in Llanddew. A 90 year-old local lady chatted to me and kindly made me a mug of tea which was much appreciated. Big thank you to Ian Haselgrove who retrieved me and Dave Massie using Dave's car, it was quite a detour to take me back to the campsite. Dave did 26k+ and landed near Pencelli.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.969133,-3.372633
Landing place:Llanddew
Distance25.15 km
Score25.15 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.008780.igc