
Flight details
Title: Fforest Ffffffarm to Llangorse Lake (Airwave BCC)
Site:Fforest Farm
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:20th June 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Ding ding, round 2. Same place, same time, same team, less wind, indeed, hardly any. A cold night promises good conditions for the day. Both sides of us, puffies turn into cloud streets, but for us, only blue. Some cumies build really quickly, but then dissipate. Eventually, it starts working properly, and gaggle start to leave. I take off, and the vario decides to enter silent mode. Arrgh! More people leave the hill. Then it becomes rough as &*(%$^$. Then all of a sudden, all calms down, and take off into a 1 or 2up. Working for ages, and topping it up by flying forwards, I eventually notivce that the GPS says 4900 feet. Ok, time to leacve the hill, but there's no drift at all. Time to glide off to the hill behind, which rewards with a climb. The day then OD'd somewhat, and climbs were very slow all day. With no wind to help, the sink was much stronger, so not so easy today. Still, it's way easier than at the Dyke, and the country passes underneath nicely. 20K out, it becomes difficult, and thermals appear and disappear. Sudden surges turn into 0.2 ups, I eventually lose it, and glide over Llangorse lake, with boats underneath. Very pretty. Land by a camping family, whose young boy shows me the frog he's caught. Worth every minute of the flight to see that. Just as I land, John P announces he's done 21K. good lad. Smurf retrieves. Avon completely thrash us in the comp. You shoulda been there.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.934583,-3.275433
Landing place:Llangorse Lake
Witness:GPS file
Distance28.60 km
Score28.60 km
GPS evidence from:XC.008788.igc