
Flight details
Title: Dyke 5th July
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:5th July 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Great day at the Dyke today. It started off light, with nobody staying up, then went to being windy, nobody moving forward, to roiugh, to smooth, you name it, we had it all today.

Arouhd 12, John Young and I went over the back; I lost the plot, and landed by the golf course, where a nice lady in sports car offered me a lift back. John Y flew to Lewes. While most people sat on the ground, I had a second flight, and this time took a 1.8 up over the back, and stuck with it. I'd only made 1500 over by the time I crossed the A23, but a detour along the sea breeze front saw a better climb, which led to an 8up to 4500 feet. The sea breeze front was now inland, but I was too high to enter the airspace it was in, so I mooched along the A27 until I was sure I'd missed the 3500 airspace. Heading over Lewes, I got a climb off the town, but it fizzled out over the golf course behind Caburn, and a long glide was had to the ground past Ringmer.
Thanks to Owen for the retrieve,
Coming back to the hill, it was howling, but around 6:30-7pm ish, it all calmed down nicely, and we had two hours of really nice evening flying. First few minutes saw the best thermals of the day, up to 1500ATO. After that, it calmed down a bit, and we had effortless soaring/light thermalling until dark.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.889917,0.087783
Landing place:near Ringmer
Distance23.80 km
Score23.80 km
GPS evidence from:XC.008828.igc