
Flight details
Title: XC Devil's Dyke to Sandwich
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Charlie Merrett
Date of flight:28th July 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Franco asked me to write something up for the forum and hopefully this will be of some interest to those going XC.

Sorry if it's a bit long - it'll probably make more sense reading it while viewing the tracklog alongside it. 
Click here http://www.xcleague.com/xc/flights/20101688.html?vx=04 to view the flight.
If that doesn't work go to www.xcleague.com and League Tables and scroll down to about 90th and then click on my flight (122.km) 
Click on the XC Player tab and change the track colour to By Climb to see where the climbs were.

Wasn't expecting much from the day but as I was driving to the Dyke saw 2 wings climbing out around 9:30.
Expected it to be windy but got to launch and it didn't seem too strong so didn't hang around getting ready.
A blue sigma marked a climb off the spur to the right and Carlo, Emily and I joined him with Craig climbing upwind of us We left the hill at 10:15.

Got to base about 3200 ft amsl and lost sight of Carlo and Craig.
Headed east and by the time I was clear of the cloud saw Craig on my left pushing north onto the face of the downs and Carlo to my right heading towards Lewes.
I saw gulls climbing between Craig and I so turned left but watched Craig fly over them and not get anything so opted to turn and head towards Asda as the SBF was still over Brighton.
Got a weak climb over some brown fields just north of the A23 and drifted with it till I had enough height to glide to Lewes where it normally works and where there were good clouds building.
Got bit of a drilling on the way and was quite low (700ft amsl) over the A27 near Kingston. The wind was very west there - probably sea air feeding down the valley and it kicked off a very good climb (5m/s) that took me up to 2300' where I lost it and went on a glide to Caburn which had a good cloud over it.
The cloud didn't work but I got a climb just behind Airworks (marked by gulls) which got me back to base at 3300'.

Had a decision to make then whether to push inlan
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.238083,1.317333
Landing place:Sandwich
Distance122.16 km
Score122.16 km
GPS evidence from:XC.008906.igc