
Flight details
Title: Dyke Sea Breeze
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:John Porter
Date of flight:8th August 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After two very short flights followed by slope landings and short but molten walk-ups, launched into nice thermal with loads of others at around 14:00. There was a bit of confusion because a number of pilots were doing left hand 360s and others were doing right hand 360s. I heard that two gliders got very, very close?? Drifted back behind the hill by a small amount but climbing steadily, climb peaked at 7.6 metres/s (EDIT 7.6 FEET/s, thanks Davem) on 20 second averager. Sea breeze front appeared to be behind me and to the side i.e. to the south and the west. It's difficult for me to say how much of the flight was actually in the sea breeze as it was my first experience of being anywhere near it. After 15 minutes topped out at just over 3100 feet and found myself at the bottom of what was left of the stack as others had gone XC, Dave Massie being in front and higher than me. Lost the lift then smelt cow-poo at around 1600 feet and started going up again to around 2300 feet. I could see the field of cows below me and slightly to the north-west. Some people launched from the Dyke a minute or two before I landed so I top landed where the wind had now gone westerly. A very pleasant experience.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and Return
Finish at:50.886791,-0.214179
Landing place:Devils Dyke
Distance1.91 km
Score0.00 km
In novice league?YES