
Flight details
Title: Floppy-di-flop
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Lewis John
Date of flight:12th September 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
May as well add my meagre flight to the catalogue!

I arrived early'ish at 9:30 to get myself sorted and hoping to avoid the crowds. This being the Southern club it was already pretty rammed. Not really a problem though as there was loads of lift pretty much everywhere.

I had a nice 1 hour flight, boating around up to 1300' ATO. Not really possible to go XC though as cloudbase was so low (just above me). Landed to eat some grub, have a snout and wait for the clouds to lift some.

Took off again and boated around - got a bit low so decided to go for the turbo lift over in the bowl. Hmmm not such a good idea - got thoroughly spanked on the rough edge of a ripper (I guess), with my wing like a thashing marlin at the end of the line(s). The wind had picked up at this point and I landed into wind but going backwards (fortunately slowly).

Waited for about 5 minutes and then took off again and straight into a thermal. After my thrashing a few minutes earlier I wanted to stick with it and get some height (whispering to myself that height is my friend). I stayed with it and got to decision point - to go over the back or not. I did - pretty optimistic being as I had sod all height (500' ATO) but stay with it I did, slowly, slowly, no catchy di monkey as it turned out... 

As I neared Brighton I thought I should leave my thermal and avoid going over the city and headed for a big (but decaying) cloud. Nada.

Got a siff of something and circled but realised I was going to go over the city again. Bugger. Speed bar into wind and crept away from the housing estate, sinking ever lower to my hastily selected landing...just ("looks alright, is a bit windy though, hmm those trees could put out some rotor..."). Nice easy landing near the windmill (by the A27).

Got a retrieve from Mike Aungier (who kindly packed up his wing to come get me) but of course there were no parking spaces. I selflessly insisted he have my space and left the Dyke at 1:30.

Went home to have so
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.859667,-0.162083
Landing place:Brighton
Distance4.94 km
Score4.94 km
GPS evidence from:XC.009056.igc