
Flight details
Title: Dyke to Stanmer Park & (mainly hangie) photos
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Richard Chester-Nash
Date of flight:18th September 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I really only came to take photos today but the only one that I took, on arrival around midday, suggested to me that staying on the ground might prove even more difficult than getting decent close-ups of the flying! And so I flew instead, continuing my tour of the Brighton area to discover the most reliable bus/hitching routes. I've added some photo's of airborne hangies from yesterday too just to redress the balance of previous days. ***Oh and most importantly my profuse apologies to Alison for turning inside you in a thermal and probably giving you a minor heart attack. I thought that you'd straightened up to fly back to the hill and then I entered the peak of the lift so I instinctively pulled into it at the same time you turned again. Sorry Alison!***
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.863183,-0.0916
Landing place:Stanmer Park
Distance14.92 km
Score14.92 km
GPS evidence from:XC.009071.igc