
Flight details
Title: Slowcoach
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Alison Webb
Date of flight:18th September 2010
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Winds at altitude were very light in the afternoon so after two climbs, one to 2000' and the second to 3,200' found myself still above the woods at Stanmer.  Progress in any direction was awfully slow.  Then I spotted John Young  way South and cruising gleefully,(I suspect), with a sailplane in the seabreeze convergence.  From my perspective, it looked like John was at about five grand and flying directly along the coastline.  Would dearly have loved to  joined him but every time I flew south I met with sink.  The remainder of the flight was in very broken lift. John chose a much better line.  Well done Sir!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.851296,-0.084973
Landing place:Falmer Hill (N of Bevendean)
Witness:Launch: Richard Chester-NashRetri
Distance10.06 km
Score10.06 km