Flight details: | Took off and joined gaggle with Ghandi, Dave Massey, Richard CN and others including (so I'm told) Nancy, Owen....etc. Got to base, 3100 feet ASL which was my maximum height. It seemed lifty nearly everywhere for a lot of the flight but managed to get low immediately behind the Cross in Hand TV transmitter but got a nice thermal off the fencing and timber yard back up to somewhere not quite so low. I never seemed to manage to get back to anywhere near cloudbase and got a couple of low saves to help me on my way. Never has cow-poo smelt so welcome! Thought about landing on or near Flimwell golf course but managed to crawl my way along the little ridge towards Hawkhurst before landing in a field. My thanks to Linda, who owned the field, as she gave me a lift to Etchingham station in her MG and also to Phil, who took me from the station to Caburn car park (what service!) and told me about the Centurion tank which he bought from Eastbourne and now resides in his back garden.
I here that Ghandi did around 50k to Benenden and Nancy did 60k ish to Ashford?? Well done you lot! Sorry, no pictures, I was too busy flying. Lesson learned; last time I took pictures I bombed out. |