
Flight details
Title: Caburn to near Ashford
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Simon Steel
Date of flight:10th May 2011
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Set up quickish and as the first gaggle went took off into a busy sky so went over to the bowl the behind the woods on a good line towards some birds. Climbed out with Carlo who went back at about 1000ft.Struggled along getting much lower than the pilots on the hill until Glyndbourne offered up a thermal. Got to Heathfield low, lower than the top of the mast I think looking for landing options. Got a couple of blips and ended up climbing close to the mast. Off N.E untill I nearly landed again near Bewl but got a stonker back up. cruised along the 3500/5500 airspace line dipping under 3500 for the lift and back out to cruise. It was like the line was a trigger! Passed Bewel where it all slowed down and I had a realy good chance to take in the views of the north coast and East etc. Maybe should have headded more north but had pilots in front of me and prefered to try to stay in the 5500. Said pilots droppped from view and at last got a chance to push on to a whispy bit. Somewhere around here i set up to land again then saw a little fire. Took a glide behind it and was pinged back up! Was now nearly round Headcorn and with the 3500 airspace gone things looked up. Could see Ashford but the air was getting a bit FUNKY and the big black cloud in front of me intimidating, Craig had landed (told me later the cloud had blocked out his sun) so went on a glide in a more northerly direction to the ground. Landed next to a shit road that I had to walk along for an hour or so untill the a28 where I got a lift from a couple of trainee drugdealers at high speed to Ashford station. Thanks Franko for picking me up from Glynde station!
It was great to look back and see so many going for it, next time I'll take some pickys.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.140367,0.780967
Landing place:Billingsford?
Distance62.49 km
Score62.49 km
GPS evidence from:XC.009655.igc