
Flight details
Title: best day of my life so far...
Pilot:Scott Dougal
Date of flight:25th May 2011
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
The night before there were massive thunderstorms over us and the forecast was for a wet day ahead so I decided to go out and make miles on my bike, so 60 of them later and while I was sitting in Italy having a coffee I get a call that things are on.


Ozzie agreed to drive towards me as I cycled home so I could get a flight in - on my way back I found a willing Italian cyclist and we paced ourselves along the road at high speed sharing the effort on the hills. Ozzie and the others found me in Kanal a picture perfect lille village over the Soca River.

Yet again at take off it was deserted, we rigged in the bright sunshine feeling a lovely light breath of wind up the east side of launch. There was no waiting around this time and we all lobbed off as soon as we were ready. Due to all the trees and the rain the day before things were light and broken in the lift department but I hung on with some paragliders who had also arrived at Kobala. Between them and a pair of Eagles we found all the lift we needed to begin the journey down the valley.

I was a little lower and connected with the next ridge only just over the tops, I was patient and waited in light lift until I found something to show me the magnificent rocky mountains ranging behind Tolmin, between them and the aqua coloured Soca river it is hard to concentrate on flying, this place is almost overwhelmingly beautiful.

I flew along the valley back to my declared goal at camping, I had not eaten anything since my ride and was also dehydrated but it is imposible to miss the landing fields here. I had a perfect landing right opposite the camping place for a XC of 15.99km one of my first. A little later I was joined by Ozzie and later still Dan arrived from his 20km out and return declaired flight. We sat at camping later with Oz signing off advanced pilot tasks...

[Later the ride back up to takeoff on the back of Ozzies bike... mmm well... thats another story.]

This day could not have conta
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight to Goal
Finish at:Tf0845209947
Landing place:
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance0.00 km
Score0.00 km
In novice league?YES