
Flight details
Title: Dyke to Lewes
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Lauren Martins
Date of flight:1st July 2011
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After 3 months without flying, sorting out some important things, I was looking forward to get in the air! received some encouraging texts from pilots in the night before, so I decide to wake up at 7am today get the train from London and make my way to Brighton.

Arrived around 11am at the dyke, been told the conditions were strong, so I filled my water ballast to the top and got ready for flying.

Just bought a new harness Woody valley - X-alps race pod so I had to make 3 short flights of a few minutes to finish the tuning the settings. Everything sorted and ready to fly. Matty and I agreed that we would go XC, and that what it was =)

After find a good climb in front of the hill, went to cloud base around 1500m/5000ft sharing the climb with Ghandi on his mentor 2 (hope I spelled his name properly :P) from the cloud base I could see a blue Mantra trying a low save over Brighton, yay that's Matty, at cloud base I went east on long glide towards him over the A27, the wind was NW so it wasn't easy to keep going as the thermals were going towards the sea, Matty which already had found a climb when I arrived, so I just joined him, small broken climb, sinking everywhere else so that was the only thing to keep us going, unfortunately I had take off without my gloves on, so my hands was freezing cold, hurting, taking my concentration away on the little thermal, continued climbing until 3500ft when my hand went totally numb, then I decide to try to find my gloves inside my harness with the messy of numb hands trying to find gloves, lost the climb, Matty continued on the climb to cloud base and went towards Firle, at 3500ft sinking I decide to glide towards Lewes where there were some sun patches on the ground, unfortunately not even a single thermal, had to avoid a nice landing area because of a few bulls there =) I ended up landing by the Swanborough road by Lewes.

After text Claire where I was, she prompt herself to retrieve me back to the dyke, Thanks Claire! 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.847267,-0.0062
Landing place:Lewes
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance17.85 km
Score17.85 km
GPS evidence from:2011-07-01_12-05.kml