
Flight details
Title: Shorts and T-Shirt XC
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Matt Botterman
Date of flight:2nd July 2011
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Headed to Airworks at 10 for the ground handling session with the intention of improving my ground handling and perhaps having a soar in the sea breeze. After discusing techniques for a while we al headed over cayburn.

I intended to fly down the slope to practise kiting back up but found a little lift, started going round and round and before I knew it I was high and heading over the back. the climb was a little slow but remembering Massy's advice I just hung with the scraps and drifted past the opera house towards the gliding club.

I was thinking about a landing field when I found a stonking climb just south of the gliding club which took me high again and allowed me to push towards the Golf club. 

I found a half climb there and drifted over Uckfield where I found another half climb which I drifted in until I was the far side if the town. 

I hoped to make it to Crowborough and home but without a good climb and with increasing forest areas I landed in a field near some trees, out of which ran a huge herd of deer who seemed very confused by me coming at them from above!

So 18k for my new UK PB and all in shorts and a t-shirt! Glorious!!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:51.019359,0.10806
Landing place:Herons Ghyll
Witness:Ali Cowling
Distance18.19 km
Score18.19 km
In novice league?YES