
Flight details
Title: Caburn to Hadlow Down
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Simon Steel
Date of flight:2nd July 2011
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
We'd had our eye on the convergence to the east of Caburn all morning. Tefal the first to make use of it, getting up in a bubble then heading east to it, then over and forward to Selmeston where Ghandi was due to be at a wedding! I couldnt find a decent thermal untill I tried to top land and couldn't because of the lift so flew out and left and realised the convergence had come over and got a strong smooth (mostly) climb out. My vario says 12 ft up. The drift wasn't in too bad a direction taking me to the right of a busy glider club where I found more lift. I could see tendrils of sea breeze coming from the east so went a bit more west trying to get passed the 2500 corner and away from the front. It turned out I didnt need to as the south westerly won and it pushed back after I landed.I landed in what looked like harvested crop but realised too late that it was just extremely short! Bus back to Polegate for the train to Glynde via Lewes. Thanks Tefal for picking me up at the station. ( think I was nearer Poundford than Hadlow Down)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.982547,0.210755
Landing place:hadlow down
Distance18.46 km
Score18.46 km