
Flight details
Title: Beer and chips at The Wheel Inn
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Crispin Rose-Innes
Date of flight:19th August 2011
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Huge Miller and I were the first to arrive on top just after 10.00. Huge took off immediately and climbed out. I waited until 11.40 waiting for things to build then launched with a few others at 11.20. Nearly bombed in the bowl in the first 5 minutes then found what I badly needed and climbed out to join Stewart Swanton and Graig Atwell up above. Drifted back in a good thermal with Stewart and Craig at about 2500asl while others flew back to the summit. The three of us kept close together at the start then Stewart took a more northerly route and we continued ENE still flying close together, round and round in milky air, near base, passing south of Heathfield at around 3200 and then pushed forward on long glides both searching for new thermals. Lovely flying for us both but quite hard work towards the end and landing earlier than either of us had wanted or had expected. Me just east of Burwash Weald and Craig further on in Sandhurst. Grita kindly drove out to collect us both.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.996032,0.375877
Landing place:Just east of Burwash Weald
Witness:Craig Atwell witnessed the take off
Distance27.18 km
Score27.18 km