
Flight details
Title: Happy New Year
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Dan Balla
Date of flight:19th February 2012
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
Today was the first day of the year... the first one that matters anyway. It was thermic, with excellent height gains to be had and even though I didn't get very far, I saw a few who did :)
It was very good to see you all on the hill, and I hope we will have a lot more this soon.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:45.9752,13.685267
Landing place:
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance10.80 km
Score10.80 km
GPS evidence from:XC.009729.igc
Andy Harding20th Feb 03:46: I think there's a problem with your icg file Dan
Chris Townsend21st Feb 02:17: It works for me in IGC Flight Replay.
Andy Harding21st Feb 03:26: thanks Chris, working for me now in gpsdump/gpsvisualizer, was getting errors before for some reason looks like there's 9.9km FAI triangle in there somewhere :)
Dan Balla21st Feb 08:49: Interesting that the website doesn't display it on the map. It used to do that if you attached an icg.
Will Bradley21st Feb 10:39: I think you need to put start/end OS Grid co-ordinates as well
Dave Massie21st Feb 10:50: You need to claim an XC for the website to show your track. Fill in a distance (doesn't matter what), and it'll all spring to life
Dan Balla23rd Feb 03:00: That makes sense. Thanks Dave.
Andy Harding22nd Feb 08:49: you need to claim a flight type too for it to register in the league