
Flight details
Title: first flight of the year
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Andy Harding
Date of flight:19th February 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I had been watching the forecast all week & was rather hoping for a bi-wingular day, but a dodgy back put paid to any HG'ing, so I rocked up to the Dyke early afternoon with the PG hoping that the wind would drop mid-afternoon as forecast so I could get my hand back in in preparation for the Easter Annecy trip

initially lots of HG's flying in a fair breeze, but around threeish the wind dropped & they were scratching before bombing out to the bottom landing field, so off I went

a bit choppy low down, but soon connected with a 6-up thermal (3-up to you metric types) that took me to 1,900' ato where it all smoothed out nicely.  great views over the Downs and the sea (note to self - don't leave the gopro in the car).  rather less great was the view of the ambulance in the bottom field - hope you're doing okay AndrewE

after a while a load of hangies went off again & any forward progress needed a bootful of bar, so (after briefly considering a downwind dash & deciding against) I fortuitously found a load of sink that took me down for a nice top landing in the paddock

a nice day out, my first outing to the South Downs for far too long, good to see some old faces & meet some new ones.  shame not to have the HG as it looked like an awesome day for it, but salvaged an enjoyable flight, had a play with my new GPS & my best PG height gain to date  :)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.882283,-0.217883
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance1.26 km
Score1.26 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:2012-02-19-Devils Dyke - gpsdump.kml
David Newns19th Feb 04:17: I watched all the paragliders land going backwards. It was Howling. A day for the hangies. Not my idea of 10-15 mph . Crazy Ghandi
Andrew Craig19th Feb 04:46: I heard a rumour of paragliders flying at Firle in the late afternoon -- any report from there?
Peter Beleznay20th Feb 05:53: Had a lovely flight on pg, beating most summer days, almost 2 hours spent between 5-600 meters ATO. Got lucky with a good take-off window, from there the air was lifty and smooth all the way up to 2000feet. At the end of the flight it became too strong to penetrate. As the Dyke has plenty of option to land downwind from TO, it was not a problem. Andy, funny what you wrote about the camera, I had the gopro with me, but with a full memory card, which I only noticed at 2000feet, when the camera stopped recording. Shame, as the visibility was amazing.
Martin Gerhards20th Feb 01:12: I turned up 4pm hoping the wind had dropped enough by then and took off 4.30,5 guys on the hill, nice steady 10-15mph , great sunset flight martin
Paul Cryer19th Feb 06:15: There were paragliders flying at Amberly yesterday. Lovely long ridge don't know what the rules for take off there are??? Anybody know?
Neil Rudland21st Feb 04:09: dont let the game keepers catch you if they have partridges at the bottom.
John Young22nd Feb 10:49: Well done for getting the ball rolling for this years XC league,and congratulations for coming first in last years hang gliding league,with only 12 hours airtime,you should have got a trophy for that,maybe this year?
John Barratt22nd Feb 11:58: Well done for posting the world's smallest triangle! Might be a record!
Andy Harding23rd Feb 04:07: knew I should have declared it ;)
Stephen Purdie23rd Feb 10:51: So why didn't he? TTFN SteveP ---------------------------------- AIRWORKS PARAGLIDING & HANG GLIDING The Old Station Glynde BN8 6SS info@airworks.co.uk www.airworks.co.uk