
Flight details
Title: Spring is sprung...
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:8th March 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
An hour's flight at the start of the day convinced me that It was an XC day, so I got the trusty GPS out, and clipped in, in time for a howling gale to arrive. Ho hum; still at least the hangies were doing OK. It all relented for a while, and several pilots attempted to kill each other in the thermal that arrived next. Dodging that particular bullet, I went forward and got another one and let the field scrap amongst themselves. Of course, they went up like rockets, leaving me behind...sniff. Oh well at least I can do my own thing now, and so round and round I went, to about 2200 above, where it all died off. Seeing someone high above me did not help at this point. Glide off towards the University, and a much better climb over the A23 got me to 4250, where I decide to act on my cunning plan to jump from the sea breeze to the next cloud street inland, and hence to Dover. This brave attempt met with a nice 6.3 down on the averager. Spring is with us! Then it was all about scrabbling about 500 off the deck, getting roughed up, but not actually going up. Should I go over the big power lines? Nope, a glide to a nice field beckoned. Not as far as I should have gone (would have been better to stick to the sea breeze front), but so much better than a slap with a wet fish. Got bus to Bton, and then to the A27 roundabout. Thanks to Nicos for the lift back, and no thanks to the PG pilot who didn't give me a lift. Your card is marked, sir!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.862996,0.022851
Landing place:Just short of Mt. Caburn
Witness:GPS file
Distance18.80 km
Score18.80 km
GPS evidence from:2012-03-08_13-02.kml