
Flight details
Title: 'You will reach your destination after sunset!'
Site:Kettle Sings
Pilot:Luke Nichol
Date of flight:6th May 2012
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
Yesterday was by far my best uk flight to date, we flew at the malverns again on day three of the BOS (this time with a well checked/repaired harness), i sat on launch in my harness for well over three hours waiting for the sky to open up or something to happen. A few of the good guys (LESS THAN 5) had managed to get up in the rapidly over developing sky and were heading of for goal behind us, the wind was barely a couple of mph so completely unsoarable for pg or hg. Eventually a rigid wing dropped down from the sky and showed the 30-40 hg's sitting on the hill that there were some really weak thermals to be had, he dropped to ridge height and took over 10 minutes to climb 500ft in any one thermal. This encouraged a lot of people off the hill and into the bottom landing. i remained patient knowing this was a one chance flight, muck it up and its game over for the day and after my mishap yesterday i was wanting a good flight. Eventually i saw a couple of guys launch and just about go up in something really weak, maybe a 0.5up but the day was coming to an end and the sky was completely over developed so i want for it, a good nil wind launch took me to 200ft below take off when i finally reached the weak thermal, i stuck with it to about 500ft ato and moved forward a couple of times to a few others  circling in front of the hill. Eventually i found something i decided to stick with at least to get over the back and go further than the rest of the club class but as i went with it the thermal dropped to nothing just behind the valley, just about maintaining i continued circling thinking at least i'm not going down and the drift is taking me where i want to go, but a few hundred yards back my vario started sounding better and better until it became a nice 3 up and took me to 3500ft ato, i didn't get to cloudbase yet and started heading for my 34k task downwind. I headed for the darkest bits of the clouds and kept finding little thermals but pushed too far too fast and nea
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:52.147117,-2.795
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance36.58 km
Score36.58 km
GPS evidence from:2012-05-06_13-51.kml