
Flight details
Title: Gemona del Friuli
Pilot:Scott Dougal
Date of flight:15th July 2012
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
The Italian Open r1

Well... I guess there is a futility in attempting to expect something from an experience. How much I had wondered what this moment would be like during my trip to Italy.

It all started with a testing amount of bad weather letting me recover from the journey with some grace. It rained from my departure and for two days after my arrival but remained pleasant most of the time. 

I visited with Villi from last year's adventure and enjoyed a moment with him and the deep beauty of the Soca Valley. One of the earth's truly magical places.

On the first day of the competition we had an 0830 briefing that I had already learned not to rush towards. There was an excellent run through the weather conditions and finally the order to go up the hill.

Once there it was a free for all to find space and rig. I stayed quiet and as much in the shade as I could to be deliberate and thorough with my rigging. I decided no cameras so I would be fully concentrated on the flight. 

After rigging there was a pause while the task was debated.. it seemed ambitious and was received with groans. I decided to attempt half the course. 

Soon there were the first launches so I got dressed and clipped in joining the middle queue with the nicest exit. 

There was a fight in the queue between a rigid pilot and another king posted one. The ridged pilot won and then blocked takeoff so I moved to the southern launch. A steep cliff launch. 

My angle of dangle rope untied so I lost my place and had help to fix it. Some very diligent help to re clip and check then I launched. 

I flew directly into lift and climbed up to at least 6500 maybe more. I had two quick problems. First I could not understand my new vario and it's task navigation. I had plenty of time to test it but no weather. Second I pulled the end off my water hose and dumped the lot in the little gap in my zip wetting my crotch... I had to smile as the view was so beautiful. 

I decided to navigate t
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:46.2908,13.229333
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance47.49 km
Score47.49 km
GPS evidence from:XC.010838.igc