
Flight details
Title: Odd man out
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:26th July 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I felt a bit of a gate-crasher as I climbed with a gaggle of four Gin Sprint Evos: I later established that they were Greta, Crispin, Pete Impey and Ed Bewley. It was nice and smooth, but went only to about 1700 feet ASL. Crispin and Ed set off westwards; Pete got low, but then, as I chased the front-runners, started going up with Greta. I dashed back but was too low to join the climb. I didn't see the rest go down, but Greta stayed up for another half hour at least, pushing SW, then turning back towards launch.

I found a nice grassy hilltop to land on -- it's called Poverty Bottom, believe it or not -- and touched down safely, only to realise that the hill appeared to be perfectly soarable in the strongish breeze. A lesson there: making a safe landing plan is good, but, until your feet are on the ground, it's worth also having a low save plan.

The walk back was pleasant, and it remained flyable until at least 1650, when I left.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.810297,0.07047
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance10.16 km
Score10.16 km
GPS evidence from:Boshort.kml