
Flight details
Title: XC from Newhaven to Brighton and back TWICE!
Site:Newhaven Cliffs
Pilot:Chris Hover
Date of flight:8th August 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
This was my maiden voyage off of Newhaven Cliffs, have never flown there before but it was said to be looking promising for perfect flying conditions, and was full of hope, which held true, and snuck in a 41.5km XC.

We arrived at Newhaven 730 on a sunday morning on the 5th of August 2012 (a while ago yes but better late than never), conditions were looking a bit too light at first but after an hour things were picking up, and looked like it would be flyable before long.  Having never flown there before i was of course eager for experienced minds to impart some knowledge upon me, i definaltely didnt want to be walking back from saltdean, but a full site briefing from Rob Chisolm soon put my mind at ease.  

The ridge lift was fairly strong so at no point was i scratching around and there were no pilots anywhere near me i was all alone for a fair chunk of the flight, whcih was a bit un-nerving but makes a change to being amongst swarms of paragliders! 

Jumping the gaps was my main worry, but having managed to clear the small gap at peacehaven, i was confident that i could reach enough height to clear Saltdean with relative ease, which i did!  

It was a great relief to finally reach Brighton marina, and the journey back lessons were learned in how to deal with traffic on cliff runs, but above all how slow my glider was!  finally reaching back to Newhaven, conditions were still perfect to turn around and do it all again, so i did! 

Best flight ive done so far, an amazing experience i cant wait to repeat!  

check out the video here  

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and return ridge run
Finish at:50.78125,0.049617
Landing place:Newhaven
Witness:GPS file
Distance20.78 km
Score20.78 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.011050.igc