
Flight details
Title: Midnight flight at Pandy, New year's eve 1989
Pilot:David Williams
Date of flight:10th August 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Well, that's what the flight log from GPSDump says. Struggling with the technology, I did the obvious thing and saved the track log on my Garmin. Obvious, but wrong. Apparently the Garmin screws up the date and time info when it saves it. So it seems you need to use the active track log without saving it.

Anyway, just thought I'd try to upload this to the SHGC site to see how it works.
Can anyone shed any light on another problem, please? I don't seem to be able to submit this (or any other track log) as a XC flight. Whenever I select any item from the 'XC Flight Type' pull down menu, I get the following message:
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:51.931428,-3.006752
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance11.91 km
Score26.20 km
In novice league?YES