
Flight details
Title: Corndon Hill
Site:Corndon hill
Pilot:Dan Balla
Date of flight:11th August 2012
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
I've been down to the Mynd this weekend for the 3rd round of the BOS.
The atmosphere was great, the flying not so much. Friday we sat on Corndon Hill for most of the day. A couple people got away, the rest of us ended in the bottom landing field. Saturday we had a bit more wind, but the sky was overcast and the thermals were very weak. I didn't think anyone would get more than a soaring flight. To my surprise, I managed to get away with a gaggle and made a few km downwind. It has been a nice flight that I would have otherwise written off - good lesson there. Sunday the rain came in so I packed up and went home.
Here are a few (poor quality) photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/112410365477172769789/BOS2012LongMynd
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:52.5527,-3.345667
Landing place:
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance22.72 km
Score22.72 km
GPS evidence from:XC.010951.igc