
Flight details
Title: First UK XC Flight
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:John Turczak
Date of flight:23rd August 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
(You can get a write up with pictures here http://jtletsfly.blogspot.co.uk/)
(Video link here - http://youtu.be/JXLCpFw_NG0  sorry the previous link did not work this one will)

After a scratchy start I was about to slope land as my GPS had started flashing up a low battery warning( yes I know I should have checked it before I took off) I was about 5 to 10 feet off the slope and the wing did not want to come down. So off I went again and was lucky enough to be in a thermal that took me up to around 2000 feet. So I went off with it and kept drifting over the back.  I dropped to around 1300 feet and then found a small climb and then a  bigger one that took me upto around 3000 feet. I didnt find anything else and ended up landing a couple of miles north of Halland. 13 k done. And very happy with my first XC

I decided to hitch back  and a charming young lady stopped and gave me a lift all the way to Ringmer. I then got a lift from Dave ( sorry i dont know your second name) on his scooter back to Caburn. All in all a  great day.  

Now let me see if I can figure out how to upload a flight log.( I have a KML file but I dont know how to upload it??  I have attached it at the bottom - if wrong let me know )
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 1 turnpoint
Finish at:50.94216,0.173677
Landing place:Bushbury lane, near stonebridge
Distance12.64 km
Score12.64 km
In novice league?YES