
Flight details
Title: XC flight in Arcones, Spain (north of Madrid)
Pilot:John Turczak
Date of flight:6th September 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Just finished a 21 Km XC in Arcones. For those that dont know it Arcones is part of a 70 Km east to west ridge in central Spain about 1 1/2 hours drive north of madrid.

The wind direction for the site is N to NE, the forecast for today was light SE.
Take off is at 5900ft the landing field at about 4000ft.

We arrived at take off with the wind coming over the back in  a very light breeze. And some small cumulus starting to form in the front. So waited for  a nil wind moment and then forward launched.

I worked the thermals near take off upto around 8600ft and then headed off east parallel to the ridge through blue sky aiming for the next cumulus.

I nearly bombed out as I sank to 4500 ft on the run but picked up another thermal under a forming cumulus and I was off again.

I then followed the trail of cumulus until it got too rough for me and I flew out of the lift for a 21 Km XC

kml file attached for those that want the details plus a Google earth picture dump
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:41.231485,-3.586977
Landing place:north of cereso de abajo
Witness:GPS file
Distance28.32 km
Score28.32 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:2012-09-06_09-31.kml