
Flight details
Title: 400 up
Site:Newhaven Cliffs
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:13th November 2012
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
By happy chance, I walked on to the launch just in time to step behind an Airwave Sport and stop it going into a bush. Sadly, there was no one in front of the bush a little while later when I launched into a lull that turned out to be a gust. Thanks to Jess and Tim(?) for helping me pick my wing out. Meanwhile those in the air were doing fine, but with the tide in not going anywhere.

A long wait, and I finally launched about 1300 into a real lull. But it was still strong -- my speed went to 1 kph at one point when I briefly came off bar. I thought about landing on the beach, but the wind eased a little, and, with the tide ebbing, I set off westwards. I met Richard on his way back from Brighton; crossing the gap was comfortable. By the time I was near launch on the way back, the air was cooling and the sea was producing gentle thermals. Very nice. I started the day on 399 hours and 51 minutes, so I passed a little milestone.

Couple of short clips: 


Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Ridge run
Finish at:50.811823,-0.091498
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance10.58 km
Score10.58 km
GPS evidence from:Newhavenrun.kml