
Flight details
Title: Thermals in midwinter
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Greg Hamerton
Date of flight:15th February 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Amazing what a 'little' bit of sun can do when the lapse rate is good! Busy reviewing the Nova Mentor 3, but was having so much fun went on a midwinter xc instead. Trying out the anticlockwise route for the Foot or Flybubble Dyke-Truleigh-Newhaven-High&Over, on a good day this is very achievable. Made it over the river Ouse so I could have coffee and cake at the beach cafe. Train station 2 minutes away, back to Brighton for �4. 2013? Loving it!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.7555,0.177833
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance11.41 km
Score11.41 km
GPS evidence from:XC.011366.igc
Luke Nichol19th Feb 09:57: Were you the guy on the red wing? i was on the hang glider thermalling near newtimber... MY FLYING DIARY IS HERE - http://lukenicol.blogspot.co.uk/
Greg Hamerton23rd Feb 01:57: Yes Luke, it was me. Seems to me this is a common problem at Devils - good sky but poor conditions in the bottom half, making it real pot luck if you can get up into the good stuff and have a nice day. Think the SHGC should investigate a trebuchet.
Carlo Borsattino4th Mar 05:11: Fantastic! Must be one of the earliest-time-of-year XCs over 20km done from a SHGC site ever (at least that I know of on a PG)? Carlo