
Flight details
Title: Combe - Fontwell
Site:Combe Gibbet
Pilot:David Hague
Date of flight:14th March 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
To be filled in...
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.873383,-0.658017
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance83.35 km
Score83.35 km
GPS evidence from:2013-03-14_10-50.kml
Luke Nichol17th Mar 12:34: Nice flight! Was Combe busy? Any hangies there?
David Williamson16th Mar 11:24: I'm not sure you'd want to allow hangies near a gibbet. " It's got to be rough to be good!"
Andrew Craig16th Mar 11:37: There were a few hangies; I spoke to a rigid pilot (by which I mean... oh, you know what I mean) who'd had a great time, including flying over Hungerford at 3,000 feet before returning to land (by choice) at the bottom of Combe Gibbet.
David Hague17th Mar 03:12: It was about the busiest I've seen it, but 3/4 of the hill left in the first proper thermal so there would have been lots of space after that!? I see that "someone" even went 75k on a Mojo, but I suspect that is going to be part of a wing review in XC Mag... I was going to say there weren't any hangies there, but having seen Andy's reply I presume they all took off after the paragliders went XC. Alexander Kirk-Wilson is the sites officer and a hanglider pilot and I think he would be delighted to have another hangie join the club - his details are on the website. Dave