
Flight details
Title: the rain in Spain falls mostly ... on Algodonales
Pilot:Andy Harding
Date of flight:2nd April 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
the best of a handful of not great flights during a, frankly, bloody awful fortnight of weather in Spain over Easter

a nice-looking sky with some streeting ahead of launch, got off in a sunny spell then about 40mins of bumpy 1-to-2-up's before connecting with something stronger off the sunny end of the ridge which took me to base.  pushed out in front following the edge of the cloud, dipping back under now & then to top up before a sinky glide to connect with the next one in the street

by this time I was bloody freezing & remembering that my harness isn't particularly comfortable for anything over an hour; also that my venerable DHV1 (Mojo1) makes glacial progress into wind & that I don't really remember how to do anything useful with my GPS-Vario.  so, like a muppet, I burned off nearly 4 grand & landed, mostly to warm up

I really want to fly some decent XC this year, so morals of the story:

1. always dress for altitude
2. get a comfortable harness
3. buy something with a little more performance than an 8-year-old DHV1 wing
4. RTFM for the GPS-Vario

in the end I got a 7km FAI triangle (not sure why it's not showing up as that) which was some, small, consolation for a pretty dissapointing fortnight.  the guiding outfit tried hard, but the weather just wasn't playing dice

anyone got a large Verso or a mid-range modern XL DHV1-2 they're looking to sell?
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:36.74145,-5.511617
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance7.09 km
Score14.18 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:2013-04-02_el_bosque-1.kml